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I for IP address
abbreviation / acronyms | Term | Definition |
I²C | Inter-Integrated Circuit | a multi-master serial computer bus invented by Philips that is used to attach low-speed peripherals to a motherboard, embedded system, or cellphone. The name is pronounced eye-squared-see or eye-two-see. |
I/O | Input/Output | Input/Output |
I2 | Internet2 | next-generation Internet refers to consortium and government efforts to define a next-generation high-speed Internet with strong educational tools. |
I2C | Inter-Integrated Circuit | 2-wire bus developed by Philips Semiconductors in the early 1980's for efficient inter-IC communications. |
IA-32/64 | Intel Architecture - 32/64 | acronym used in the names of Intel processor architectures.
IaaS | integration as a service | integration as a service |
IAB | Internet Architecture Board (previous Internet Activities Board) | The group that administrates the development of the Internet suite of protocols TCP/IP. The IAB has two investigative task forces, the IRTF and the IETF. |
IAD | integrated access device | A network device that collects multiple types of traffic (such as voice, data or video) at an enterprise site for transmission over a service provider's network. |
IAM | Identity and Access Management | IAM is an authoritative association of people with identifiers such as ID numbers and ID cards, access credentials such as usernames/passwords and authorization to access data and services. Identity and access management is fundamental for providing access to university services. |
iAMT | Intel Active Management Technology | Hardware-based technology for remotely managing and securing PCs out-of-band |
IANA | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority | they manage IP address space, root nameservers and domain names among other things. They're being replaced by ICANN. |
IAP | Internet Access Provider | a company that provides access to the Internet. IAPs generally provide dial-up access through a modem and PPP connection, though companies that offer Internet access with other devices |
IAS | Internet Authentication Service | a RADIUS Server which performs connection authentication and accounting for remote access. |
IAT | Inside Air Temperature | This is used in the electronics industry to mean the ambient air temperature of the air mass within the unit in discussion. |
IB | Interface Bus | IB stands for Interface Bus |
IBM | International Business Machines | Known informally as "Big Blue," IBM is one of the largest, most well-known corporations that designs and manufactures computer systems, software, networking systems, storage devices, and microelectronics. |
IBG | interblock gap |
IBO | industry business unit | SAP's Public Services Solution Management |
IBR | intelligent browser referencing | Web acceleration function |
IBS | Internet Banking System Group |
IBS is term for Internet Banking System |
IBSG | Internet Business Solutions Group |
Cisco IBSG, company's global consultancy, helps CXOs from the world's largest public and private-sector organizations solve their most pressing challenges. |
IC |
ICANN | Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers | The ICANN is an non-profit corporation that is responsible for allocating IP address and managing the domain name system. Every computer connected to the Internet, from servers to home PCs, has an IP address. |
ICC | Internet Commerce Corporation | Provides business-to-business electronic commerce services like Internet EDI, EDI fax, web commerce, infosafe document management and subsidiary services. |
ICCs | integration competency centers | SOA COEs, ICCs rely on metadata repositories and service registries to help them manage the ever-changing SOA and integration scenarios. |
ICDL | International Computer Driving Licence | The ICDL Foundation works to promote an International certification of industry-standard computing skills. See |
ICF | Internet Connection Firewall | ICF is a Windows XP feature that protects computers connected to the Internet from unauthorized access. When ICF is enabled, Windows keeps a log of incoming requests from other systems on the Internet. If the request is something the user has requested, like a Web page, the transmission will not be affected. |
ICM | incentive compensation management | applications automate functions for calculating and reporting on commissions and associated variable compensation methods for sales channels |
ICMP | Internet Control Message Protocol | When information is transferred over the Internet, computer systems send and receive data using the TCP/IP protocol. If there is a problem with the connection, error and status messages regarding the connection are sent using ICMP, which is part of the Internet protocol. |
ICMS | incentive compensation management system | A system that provide the sales manager with decision support tools to model various compensation scenarios, measure the impact of those plans on sales performance and effectively communicate incentive compensation objectives |
ICP | Internet Content Provider | ICP license is a permit issued by the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to permit China-based websites to operate in China. The ICP license numbers for Chinese websites can often be found on the bottom of the front webpage. |
ICPP | Intel Channel Partner Program | a program that provides benefits and support to registered members selling Intel products, or solutions based on Intel products. The ICPP provides its members with resources and support to help build, promote, sell, and service Intel technologies. |
ICQ | I Seek You | Instant messenger program |
ICRA | Internet Content Rating Association | an organization that promotes voluntary labeling of the content of web pages so that filter software can prevent access to objectionable sites. See |
ICSA | International Computer Security Association | International Computer Security Association |
ICSI | Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement | ICSI is a non-profit organization that brings together diverse groups to transform the health care system so that it delivers patient-centered and value-driven care. |
ICT | information and communication technology | A categorical term sometimes used (particularly in Europe) to refer the combined fields of computing and communications. More commonly, "information technology" (IT) is used in this sense, since the latter term, by definition, includes both types of technology. |
ICU | International Components for Unicode | an Open Source set of C/C++ and Java libraries for Unicode and software internationalization support. For information, see |
ID | identifier |
IDA | (Verizon) Internet Dedicated Access | Verizon's IDA offers permanently open, high bandwidth, dedicated connections to a global Internet backbone network via access circuits |
IDARS | integrated document archive and retrieval system | IDARS is a consolidated system for
storing, accessing, managing, distributing and viewing fixed content, which includes print-stream-originated reports, images and other fixed content. |
IDC | Internet data center | A data center containing Internet-related facilities for the use of enterprises, Internet service providers, ASPs, e-commerce companies and other firms. IDSs typically provide server outsourcing, hosting and colocation services, Internet connectivity, VPNs, and other network and transport services. |
IDD | international direct dial / dialing | The placement of international calls by dialing them directly, rather than using operator assistance. |
IDEA | International Data Encryption Algorithm | Patented, symmetric block cipher that uses a 128-bit key and operates on 64-bit blocks. |
I-DEAS | Integrated-Design Engineering Analysis Software | a CAD/CAM software package of SDRC which was bought in 2002 by EDS and now merged into UGS's product NX (Unigraphics). |
IDEMA | International Disk drive Equipment and Materials Association | International not-for-profit trade association that represents the Hard Disk Drive (HDD) industry and its infrastructure. See also |
iDEN | integrated digital enhanced network | A Motorola-enhanced mobile radio network technology that integrates two-way radio, telephone, text messaging, and data transmission into a single network. |
IDIM | Identity Information Management | A set of principles, practices, policies, processes and procedures that are used within an organization to manage identity information and realize desired outcomes concerning identity |
IDIOT | Intrusion Detection In Our Time | Project to develop a new approach to efficient misuse detection methods. Its design made use of a new classification of intrusion methods based on complexity of matching and temporal characteristics |
IDIQ | indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity; | Contracts that enable government customers to buy IT services from pre-selected vendors at pre-negotiated rates. These contracts, developed and administered by individual government organizations to meet their own IT service requirements, are usually available to all federal agencies for a small administrative fee. |
IDL | Interface Definition Language | A language used to describe the interface to a software component or routine in a manner that is not dependent on a particular programming language or operating system. |
IDM | Internet Download Manager | IDM is a tool to increase download speeds by up to 5 times, resume and schedule downloads. |
IDOL | Intelligent Data Operating Layer | heart of Autonomy's infrastructure |
IDOM | integrated document and output management | Gartner's term for an integrated collection of technologies, architectures and services aimed at applying the value of information in documents to business practices. IDOM takes a digital approach to reducing the burden and cost of paper-based documents. |
IDQ | Informatica Data Quality | Informatica Data Quality Solution delivers pervasive data quality |
IDR | Intelligent Disaster Recovery | Backup exec option for tape-based system recovery |
IDS | intrusion detection system |
IDT | (originally) International Discount Telecommunications | a telecommunications and energy company headquartered in Newark, New Jersey. |
iDTV | Interactive digital television | A digital television broadcast linked to a return path that enables consumers to send and receive individualized messages in real time on their television set. |
IDU | interface data unit | interface data unit |
IE | Internet Explorer | Microsoft Internet Explorer. cf IE4, IE5, IE6, MSIE. |
IEE | Institution of Electrical Engineers | See them at HTTP://IEE.ORG |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | An organization of engineers, scientists and students involved in electrical, electronics and related fields. IEEE 802 standard is the most widely recognized in the computer industry. See also: |
IES | Integrated Environmental Solutions | The IES SketchUp plug-in is a toolbar that sits within the Google SketchUp application and gives direct access to all of Integrated Environmental Solutions (IES) building simulation tools. |
IETF | Internet Engineering Task Force |
This subgroup of the Internet Society is responsible for recommending protocols and procedures used over the Internet. It comprises representatives from vendor, government and academic communities, and is divided into six subcommittees. |
IFB | Internet Free/Busy | Microsoft Outlook feature |
iFCP | Internet Fibre Channel Protocol | an emerging protocol dealing with backup and storage. It is a gateway-to-gateway protocol for the implementation of a Fibre Channel fabric in which TCP/IP switching and routing elements replace Fibre Channel components. |
IFL | Integrated Facility for Linux | an IBM mainframe processor dedicated to running the Linux operating system, with or without z/VM. |
iFrame | inline frame | a browser feature that enables an HTML page to be displayed within its own rectangle anywhere on another HTML page. When necessary, inline frames contain horizontal and vertical scrollbars to enable users to view all of the page's contents within the frame. |
IFRS | International Financial Reporting Standards | principles-based Standards, Interpretations and the Framework (1989)[1] adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). |
iGEMS | Integrated Global Enterprise Management System | AT&T system correlates network events to predict and solve potential problems before they impact clients’ applications. |
IGF | Internet Governance Forum | a multi-stakeholder forum for policy dialogue on issues of Internet governance. Its establishment was announced by the UN Secretary General in July 2006. It first convened in October/November 2006. |
IGMP | Internet Group Management Protocol | The TCP/IP protocol that permits Internet hosts to take part in IP multicasting. It is an efficient means of broadcasting messages to groups of end-stations |
IGP | interior gateway protocol | A type of network protocol used by interior routers to move information within an autonomous system or group of networks under the control and authority of a single entity. IGPs transfer packets from one network to an adjacent one. |
IGRP | Interior Gateway Routing Protocol | Kind of IGP which is a distance-vector routing protocol invented by Cisco, used by routers to exchange routing data within an autonomous system |
IGS | IBM Global Services | IBM Global Services |
IHS | Integrated Heat Spreader | The top surface of the IHS is designed to be the interface for contacting a HS/HSF. Allows more effecient heat transfer out of the package to an attached cooling device. Transform non-uniform heat from the die to the top of the IHS for more uniform spread |
IHV | Independent hardware vendor | a hardware-manufacturing company that specializes in a specific type of hardware device and not a complete computer system. |
IIOP | Internet Inter-ORB Protocol | a protocol that extends TCP/IP by adding CORBA defined messages for objects to connect to each other over the network. |
IIS | Internet Information Server | Microsoft's Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP) server, originally packaged with the Windows NT operating system. |
IKE | Internet Key Exchange | an IETF standard approach to exchanging keys for communications, typically used with implementations of IPSec. |
ILEC | Independent Local Exchange Carrier | These companies are the historical "Independents" who operate a local telephone business. |
ILEs | Immersive learning environments | learning situations that are constructed using a variety of techniques and software tools including game-based learning, simulation-based learning and virtual worlds. |
iLO | Integrated Lights-Out | Remote management feature on HP servers. |
ILP | initial loader program | reads an existing file containing database records; also called a boot-loader |
IM |
IMAC | installations, moves, adds and changes | General term for the routine work performed on computer equipment in an enterprise, including installations, relocations and upgrades |
IMAP | Internet Message Access Protocol | It is a method of accessing e-mail messages on a server without having to download them to your local hard drive. This is the main difference between IMAP and another popular e-mail protocol called "POP3." POP3 requires users to download messages to their hard drive before reading them. The advantage of using an IMAP mail server is that users can check their mail from multiple computers and always see the same messages. |
IMAPI | Image Mastering Application Programming Interface | Allows an application to stage and burn a simple audio or data image to CD-R or CD-RW devices |
IME | Input Method Editor | A program that performs the conversion between keystrokes and ideographs or other characters, usually by user-guided dictionary lookup. |
IMEI | International Mobile Equipment Identifier | Unique code given to mobile phones to identify them. The code is locked to the phone and not the sim. |
IMSI | International Mobile Subscriber Identity | A unique number within the SIM card that identifies the subscriber to the system |
IMUX | Inverse Multiplexer | Inverse Multiplexer |
INAP | Intelligent Network Application Protocol | Allows applications to communicate between various nodes/functional entities of an intelligent network. The protocol defines the operations required to be performed between nodes/functional entities for providing intelligent network services |
INC | International Network of Crackers | one of the premier cracking/releasing warez for the IBM PC during the very late 1980s and early 90s. |
InfoSec | Information Security | Protection of information to insure confidentiality, integrity, and availability. |
INI file | initialization file | Commonly used in Microsoft Windows 3.x and earlier, INI files have been used by both the operating system and individual applications to store persistent settings related to an application, driver, or piece of hardware. |
Inmarsat | International Maritime Satellite Organization | A global mobile satellite communications operator with headquarters in London. Originally formed as an intergovernmental organization, Inmarsat became a limited company in 1999. |
INTAP | Interoperability Technology Association for Information Processing | The technical organization that officially develops Japanese OSI profiles and conformance tests |
Intel | INTegrated ELectronics | CPU market leader. |
InterNIC | Internet Network Information Center | he InterNIC is an organization created by the National Science Foundation to provide Internet information and domain name registration services. While the InterNIC was started as a joint effort between Network Solutions and AT&T, it is now run by the Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). |
IOA | input/output adapter |
IOCA | Image Object Content Architecture |
IOD | in-order delivery | In fibre-channel technology, a parameter that, when set, guarantees that frames are either delivered in order or dropped. |
iODBC | Independent Open DataBase Connectivity | Open source, platform independent implementation of both the ODBC and X/Open specifications. It is rapidly emerging as the industry standard for developing solutions that are language, platform and database independent. See also |
IOM | Integrated Object Model | a set of object-based interfaces to features or services that are provided by Base SAS software. IOM enables application developers to use industry-standard programming languages, programming tools, and communication protocols to develop client programs that access these services on IOM servers. |
IONL | Internal Organization of the Network Layer | The ISO/OSI standard for the architecture of the network layer. The IONL divides the network layer into subnetworks interconnected by convergence protocols (internetworking protocols), resulting in a catenet or internet |
IOP | Interoperability | Ability of equipment from different manufacturers (or different implementations) to operate together. |
IOPS | Input/Output operations per second | Input/Output operations per second. |
IoS | Internet over Satellite | This technology allows a user to access the Internet via a satellite that orbits the earth. From a fixed position (also referred to as GEOS), the statellite is able to maintain a reliable connection to the antennas on the earth. It orbits the earth at the exact speed of the earth's rotation. |
iOS | iPhone OS | iOS (previously iPhone OS) is a mobile operating system developed by Apple Inc. and distributed exclusively for Apple hardware. It is the operating system that powers many of the company's iDevices. |
IOS | international operator services (IOS Telecom) Internetwork Operating System |
call center operator-services providers in the U.S. the software used on the vast majority of Cisco Systems routers and current Cisco network switches. |
IOTP | Internet Open Trading Protocol | an IETF specification which defines a way to create a business trading environment that is more reliable and personal than existing methods by giving the consumer more opportunities to interact directly with all parties of a transaction. |
IoT | Internet of Things | IoT is when the Internet and networks expand to places such as manufacturing floors, energy grids, healthcare facilities, and transportation. |
I-PNNI | Integrated Private Network-Network Interface | PNNI-compatible protocol used to exchange information between routers that augment or replace protocols such as OSPF and IPX. |
IP |
IP address /number | Internet Protocol addresss /number | Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a unique number consisting of 4 parts separated by dots, e.g. Every machine that is on the Internet has a unique IP number. |
IP PBX | Internet Protocol private branch exchange | IP PBX vendors replace the traditional TDM/PCM circuit switching and offer a IP-switching platform for voice communications. The communication servers provide true multimedia capability and offer many advantages for high bandwidth applications. |
IP telephony | Internet Protocol telephony | Voice traffic or data traffic that has traditionally been treated like voice traffic — it is transmitted over an IP network. Three distinct types of IP telephony traffic exist: real-time voice, non-real-time voice and fax. |
IPA | intelligent process automation | The automation of repeatable operational decisions within business process sets |
IPC | interprocess communication |
IPL | initial program load |
IPL / IPLC | international private line / international private leased circuit | point-to-point private line used by an organization to communicate between offices that are geographically dispersed throughout the world. |
IPM | Internetwork Performance Monitor | Cisco network response time and availability troubleshooting application |
IPMX | IP management exchange | A service, residing in the network, operated by a neutral provider that mediates quality of service, revenue settlement, and performance management among different carrier networks. |
IPP | Internet Printing Protocol | A client-server protocol for printing over the Internet. The Mac OS X printing infrastructure and the Mac OS X Server print service that’s built on it support IPP. |
IPPP | Internet presence provider and promoter | a company that helps an enterprise create a Web site, arrange for hosting (housing, maintaining, and providing Internet access) for the Web site, and promote an audience for it. |
IPR | Intellectual Property Rights | a legal field related to creations of the mind such as musical, literary, and artistic works; inventions; and symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce, including copyrights, trademarks, patents, and related rights. |
IPRM | intellectual property rights management | IPR management |
IPRR | Intellectual property rights and royalties | software lets companies with digital
media assets monetize those assets by issuing contracts that license the use of their IP for
distribution, incorporation with advertising, use in consumer products, or display through traditional and digital means in vehicles other than those owned by the copyright holder. |
IPS | intrusion prevention system | Beyond an IDS, an IPS takes the additional step of blocking the attempted intrusion. IPS monitors network and/or system activities for malicious or unwanted behavior and can react, in real-time, to block or prevent those activities. |
IPSec | IP Security |
IPTV | Internet Protocol Television |
IPv4 | Internet Protocol, version 4 | The most widley used version of the IP. IPv4 allows for a theoretical maximum of approximately four billion IP Numbers (technically 232), but the actual number is far less due to inefficiencies in the way blocks of numbers are handled by networks. |
IPv6 | Internet Protocal version 6 | Every computer system and device connected to the Internet is located by an IP address. The current system of distributing IP addresses is called IPv4. This system assigns each computer a 32-bit numeric address, such as |
IPv6CP | IPv6 PPP Control Protocol | responsible for configuring, enabling and disabling the IPv6 protocol modules on both ends of a PPP link. |
IPX | Internetwork Packet Exchange | It is a networking protocol used to connect networks based on Novell's NetWare. IPX is "connectionless," meaning it doesn't require connections to be maintained during an exchange of packets, like a phone call does. |
IR |
IRC | Internet Relay Chat | Basically a huge multi-user live chat facility. There are a number of major IRC servers around the world which are linked to each other. Anyone can create a channel and anything that anyone types in a given channel is seen by all others in the channel. |
IRF | Intelligent Resilient Framework | HP frankwork built to fail over to other switches in case of an outage or other disaster. |
iRMC | Integrated Remote Management Controller | Implementation of a Remote Access Card (RAC) by Fujitsu |
IRP | I/o Request Packet | Data structure used by Windows to communicate to kernel-mode device drivers |
IRQ | Interrupt Request | PCs use interrupt requests to manage various hardware operations. Devices such as sound cards, modems, and keyboards can all send interrupt requests to the processor. |
IRS | Interrupt Source | Synonymous with bad guys, snakes, nightmares, ulcers, high blood pressure, audits and system crashes! See them at HTTP://WWW.IRS.GOV |
IRTF | Internet Research Task Force | a group focused on researching Internet protocols, applications, architecture and technology |
IRU | Indefeasible Right of Use | a contractual agreement between the operators of a communications cable, such as submarine communications cable |
IS | Information Systems | the department that is in charge of information services, information management and computing in general in larger businesses. |
ISACA | Information Systems Audit and Control Association | See |
ISAM | Indexed Sequential Access Method | a popular form of record retrieval from files on larger systems. This method was consistent with IBM's method of dealing with multiple users in the same file at the same time. |
ISATAP | Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol | an IPv6 transition mechanism meant to transmit IPv6 packets between dual-stack nodes |
ISC | Internet Software Consortium | a nonprofit corporation dedicated to production-quality software engineering for key Internet standards |
iSCSI | Internet SCSI | A proposed network transport standard — supported by a group of vendors that include Cisco Systems, Adaptec and IBM — designed to enables SANs to be built using SCSI protocols. It works by encapsulating SCSI data in IP packets for transport over IP-based networks. |
ISDN | Integrated Services Digital Network | A technical standard and design philosophy for digital networks. ISDN provides high-speed, high-bandwidth channels to subscribers via the public switched telephone network, achieving end-to-end digital functions with standard equipment interface devices. |
IS-IS | Intermediate-System-to-Intermediate-System | A routing method among intermediate systems that requires the end systems, rather than the intermediate systems, to be responsible for providing error correction. It reduces complexity and overhead of routing protocols. |
ISIS | Image and Scanner Interface Specification | A common interface standard that allows consistent scanner control dialogue. Created by Pixel Translations (now part of ActionPoint), ISIS has become a popular standard for document-imaging scanners. |
ISL | inter-switch link | The physical connection that carries a protocol for interconnecting multiple routers and switches in a SAN. |
ISM | industrial, scientific and medical | The industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio bands. |
ISN | Initial Sequence Numbers | A number, created by an operating system, that computers use to reconstruct data sent over the Internet. |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization | ISO followed by a number is used to identify one of the published ISO standards. - ISO Home Page |
ISOC | Internet SOCiety | Based in Herndon, Virginia, the Internet Society promotes the Internet and coordinates standards. You can visit their site ( |
ISP | Internet Service Provider | An institution that provides access to the Internet in some form, usually for money. |
ISR | interrupt service routine | A small piece of software executed in response to a particular interrupt. |
ISS | Internet Security Systems | An security software vendor headquartered in Atlanta. acquired by IBM |
ISSAC | Information System for Advanced Academic Computing | Serves as a clearinghouse for information about the use of IBM-compatible hardware and software as aids to instruction and research in higher education. Membership is free to all students, faculty, and staff at these institutions. |
ISTG | InterSite Topology Generator | Managing active directory replication |
ISUP | ISDN User Part | part of the SS #7 which is used to set up telephone calls in PSTN |
ISV | independent software vendor | A software producer that is not owned or controlled by a major IT vendor. An ISV is a company whose primary function is to distribute software. |
IT | Information Technology | broad subject concerned with technology and other aspects of managing and processing information, especially in large organizations. |
ITAD | IT asset disposition | Processes to redeploy, remarket, donate, recycle, or dispose of IT assets in compliance with data security, environmental, and industry regulations. |
ITAM | IT asset management | A systematic approach to managing IT assets throughout their life cycle, from procurement through retirement and disposal. |
ITC | IT consolidation | IT consolidation |
ITCAM | IBM Tivoli Composite Application Monitoring | IBM Tivoli IT management sofware |
ITCM | IT Change Management | tool functionality governs documentation, review, approval, coordination, scheduling, monitoring and reporting of RFCs. The basic functional requirements begin in the area of case documentation, with industry-standard assignment capabilities of classification and categorization. |
ITCS | Intermodal Transport Control System | Performance-minded transport system place high demands on the quality of their transport network. |
ITeS | Information Technology Enabled Services | outsourcing of processes that can be enabled with information technology and covers diverse areas like finance, HR, administration, health care, telecommunication, manufacturing etc. Armed with technology and manpower, these services are provided from e-enabled locations. |
ITIL | Information Technology Infrastructure Library | An initiative developed by the Central Computing and Telecommunications Agency consultancy for the government of the United Kingdom. It offers a set of best practices in 24 service delivery and IT service support areas, including help desk, problem management, change management, software distribution and cost control. |
ITL | Instructional Technology Lab | The ACCC's ITL, which helps faculty and computer support staff work with instructional technology. see the ITL home page. |
ITLA | Incremented Three Letter Acronym | at one time IBM ran out of TLAs. In order to move to four letter acronyms, they had to come up with a four letter acronym to replace TLA. So ITLA was adopted as the "standard" to describe all four letter acronyms! |
ITO | IT outsourcing | The contractual vehicle through which enterprises use external sources to provide life cycle service and support operations for their IT infrastructure. Outsourcing can be partial or total, and can involve not only operations but also the acquisition of customer assets and personnel. |
ITOM | IT operations management | IT operations management |
ITU | International Telecommunication Union |
This is an international organization, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, within which governments and the private sector coordinate global telecommunications networks and services. See also: |
ITWAB | IT Workload Automation Broker Tools | technology designed to overcome the static and manual nature of scheduling jobs. It's capable of managing mixed workloads based on business policies, where resources are assigned and unassigned in an automated fashion to meet service-level objectives. |
ITXC | Internet Telephony Exchange Carrier | a US based wholesale provider of VoiP, Internet-based phone calls. acquired by Teleglobe Bermuda Ltd. in 2004 |
IVANS | International Value Added Network Services | IVANS is an external public telecommunication service which provides customers with enhanced services such as electronic mailbox messaging, data interchange or database access and retrieval etc. |
IVDT | Integrated Voice and Data Terminal | A dual function device incorporating both a terminal keyboard/display and voice telephone. |
IVIS | in-vehicle information system | A system that enables intelligent vehicles to provide the functionality to increase the productivity and safety of the driver. |
IVR | interactive voice response | This function enables callers to push buttons in response to voice prompts to listen to recorded information, or have their calls automatically routed to an appropriate queue or party. |
IXC | Interexchange Carrier | Any individual, partnership, association, joint-stock company, trust, governmental entity or corporation engaged for hire in interstate or foreign communication by wire or radio between two or more exchanges. |
IXS | Integrated xSeries Server | An Intel server that fits inside System i products to support larger Windows application demands. |
icon |
Idea management | a structured process of generating, capturing, discussing and improving, organizing, evaluating and prioritizing valuable insight or alternative thinking that would otherwise not have emerged through normal processes. | |
IGN | IGN is an entertainment website that focuses on video games, films, music and other media. | |
index |
iLink | iLink is the registered trademark of Sony's IEEE 1394 digital connection. | |
Instagram is an online mobile photo-sharing, video-sharing and social networking service that enables its users to take pictures and videos, and share them on a variety of social networking platforms. The name "Instagram" is a portmanteau of "instant camera" and "telegram" | ||
insourcing | The process of separating the IS organization from the enterprise, usually as a business unit measured by its own profit and loss. The insourced IS organization provides the enterprise with IT services on a business-rules basis. | |
interface |
Internet | The word "internet" literally means "network of networks". In itself, the Internet is comprised of thousands of smaller regional networks scattered throughout the globe. | |
Internet telephony | Use of Internet protocols for transmitting two-way audio signals in real time, as an alternative to traditional telephone carriers. | |
InterNIC | the entity that controls the registration of most domain names on the Internet. The InterNIC is a cooperative activity between the National Science Foundation, Network Solutions, Inc. and AT&T. HTTP://WWW.INTERNIC.NET. | |
intranet | An intranet is a constrained version of the Internet usually owned and controlled by a single company or organisation. Intranets can still be world-wide, use TCP/IP protocols, and be structured as a collection of networks but the greatest difference is that access is limited to a set of authorised users using firewalls and other mechanisms. | |
IsoHunt | isoHunt is a BitTorrent index with over 1.7 million torrents in its database and 20 million peers from indexed torrents. | |
Itanium | A new processor generation introduced by Intel in 2001, based on IA-64 architecture. |